In a one-of-a-kind partnership, the High Cuisine team, powered by the might of The Bulldog, bring you the next generation of social drinks: plant-powered elixirs and tinctures to bring new meaning to drinking. Pick your poison, shake your drink and get ready to go on a liquid adventure.
A euphoric herbal elixir that boosts flavour, function and energy. This uplifting drink is a perfect blend of kombucha and the Kratom tree, giving a mind-boosting sense of happiness, pleasure and overall well-being.
Kratom Tincture
Kratom Tincture is an uplifting dropper that can give any alcohol free drink mind-boosting sensations. We’re shaking up the cocktail world by adding new dimensions to drinking.

Active Ingredients
The kratom tree grows in Southeast Asia, where its leaves have been used as an energising and mildly psychoactive tea for thousands of years. A relative newcomer to the range of consciousness-altering herbs in the West, kratom is a subtle and intriguing plant with substantial medical and therapeutic potential and a nice recreational buzz that many find useful for focus or relaxation. In its native Asia, it has been chewed or brewed into a tea as herbal medicine to treat pain, boost energy, alleviate anxiety and symptoms of depression, and promote wellness and happiness.
Guayusa is a small tree (related to holly) that grows in the rainforest of northern Brazil and Ecuador. It has recently been growing in popularity in the West as an alternative to energy drinks and coffee. The leaves make an excellent stimulant tea with a mild flavour and a pleasant aroma reminiscent of maté tea. But the main attraction of Guayusa leaves is less their taste than their eye-popping caffeine levels – up to 7%, the highest known concentration of caffeine in any plant.
Take the ultimate plunge into the Future of Drinking, with High Cocktails, a revolutionary book created in collaboration between High Cuisine and The Bulldog on Psychoactive Non-Alcoholic Cocktails. The most comprehensive and important of its kind.
Apart from marijuana, many of our recipes include psychoactive plants that are hard to source in the highest quality. For great quality smart plants, look no further than Kokopelli